Author: Eric Philips

Parish Minded Mission

During the English reformation, the early Anglican reformers sought to retain much of its historic Catholic tradition while also implementing many of the reforms initiated by the early Protestants. One of the historic traditions that was retained by Anglicans was the parish structure of the church.  Throughout much of the Church’s history, localized expressions of […]

Finding Rest

Weaving through numerous contemporary news reports and research articles is the repetitive trope that the majority of Americans feel exhausted and are on the brink of burnout. At the dawn of the technological age many relished in the idea that technology would eventually enable man to find greater time for leisure and rest. But, as […]

Values that shape how we go about our mission.

As a new church plant we first and foremost focus on proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ—whose inexhaustible grace redeems us to walk in newness of life. As a Gospel-centered church, our mission is guided by three core values: rootedness, restoration, and relationship. Rootedness: Our teaching and worship are rooted in Scripture and the wisdom […]